From Marie
I just wanted to send you a massive thank you for giving me the tools I needed to change my life for the better. Don't get me wrong my life was pretty awesome but it has massively gone up a notch or two.
Before joining the academy I ran a few times a week and did a few HIIT's a week. I thought I ate well but like most people, at the weekend, I would smash in excess of 3000 cals drinking too much beer and eating too many kebabs and didn't factor that into my weekly calorie count.
You have now given me the tools I need to do a proper workout in the gym and although I still spank the calories at the weekend they are massively reined back in during the week. I have dropped a stone, a dress size and a crap ton of inches (including 4 off my boobs which I am not that happy about to be honest.)
As much as I am happy about the body changes the biggest one for me has definitely got to be in my head. I now have a huge 'fuck it' attitude. And that is 100% down to what you write in your daily emails, (the one you sent today spurred me into emailing you.) Back in August I toyed with the idea of going to the Birmingham meet up. I then said 'fuck it' to myself and rocked up on my own not knowing a soul and I had an awesome night. I came away with a bunch of new friends but the highlight was obviously meeting you ;-)
Then last week I had another 'fuck it' moment and I joined a local ladies rugby team. I am 41 years old and out age most of the girls but a good 15 years, I have never played rugby in my life and turning up to my first training session terrified me. But I went, I ran around, caught the ball, I also dropped the ball and threw some proper ropey passes, I got covered in mud and I had the best time. The smile didn't leave my face for the entire day and I cannot wait for my next training session and even potentially a game. I am fully aware that my rugby playing days are limited but at least I can say I gave it a go. Also I out fitnessed a lot the girls in training and that is definitely down to Diren's training plan I am doing,
I honestly do not think I would have had the balls to do any of these things before finding your amazing academy. So THANK YOU for everything and I cannot wait to see what I say 'fuck it' to next!!
Much love and respect,