So today I woke up in Brisbane.
I ended up training at a MMA gym last night and rolled Jiu Jitsu with some complete strangers and it was awesome!
I then went out for a few beers and I got up at the bloody crack of dawn.
I know a guy in Brisbane, I met him at a festival in Croatia 2 years ago.
The same one where I decided to come to Australia.
When I was a backpacker, 14 months ago he took me out for beers and took care of me.
So today I did my first PT session face to face which I've done in around 5 months for his wife who's pregnant.
He said she loved my Q&A's and wasn't sure what she was doing in the gym. So I got up
4:30 with a sore head to take her for a sesh.
It's amazing how much time I have for those who had time for me before I had a lot of followers.
I used to think I could get away with training someone in a gym.
Turns out "since I am James Smith" it's quite hard to fly below the radar.
Then this dude then arranged for me to meet a Lululemon store manager in the city and he got me 40% off anything I wanted.
Shortly after Diren messaged me and told me he'd landed in Brisbane.
I sat back with a beer this afternoon on the river and thought how is life this good?
How have I been dealt such a good hand?
What is the secret to happiness?
What is the secret to feeling to content?
When I think about it I think it stems to one thing.
Doing what the fuck you want.Now, I very much hope no one has ever called me selfish behind my back.
I got up hungover at
4:30 to train a pregnant woman I met once in 2016 for a free coffee.
I probably give TOO much to those that don't pay me.
I give the rest to those who do.
But although I am not selfish.
I do what I bloody please.
Although it's important to put other people ahead of you a lot of the time, you have to come first.
Remember, at the end of the day it's your life.
I think there are too many people out there, yourself included that are too caught up in the people around them.
They fail to realise they're not actually that happy themselves.
If they look at their top priorities, it's keeping those AROUND them happy.
If you want my personal development 2 cents.
You have to do you.You have to stop for a second and think.
"What is it that I want?"
Not what your partner wants.
Not what your mate wants.
Not what your parents think.
Is it fair to assume that you've been planning your life around what other people want for too long?
Could I assume you could be a lot better off if you put yourself first?
Sort out your shit.?
Not everyone else's problems?
I'm not saying join my Academy forever.
But how about 3 months, some selfish time?
Where you devote your efforts on you.
Just you.
From me, in Brisbane, drinking a G&T with my feet in an infinity pool and sunshine on my face.
You'd be surprised where putting yourself first can take you.
https://www.jamessmithacademy.comp.s Diren says "what you saying?"